Half Day Retreats

Beginner Meditations Workshop
January 5, 2024
Silent Illumination Talks for SFZC
January 6, 2024
Beginner Meditations Workshop
January 5, 2024
Silent Illumination Talks for SFZC
January 6, 2024

Retreats offer a rare occasion to deepen one’s Chan practice and commitment to the path. Many experiences arise in retreats that would normally not surface in daily individual or weekly group practice. We currently offer half-day retreats once a month.

Each sitting during a retreat is 30 minutes, punctuated by short periods of mindful yoga or walking meditation. For our half day retreat schedule, please see below. Please also review our retreat etiquette here. If you typically join us for Sunday morning meditations, please feel free to join the retreat at 9:30am and meditate with everyone until 11am.

Half Day Retreat Schedule

Half Day Retreat Schedule

  • 9:00AM – 9:30AM: Introduction
  • 9:30AM – 12:00PM: Alternate 30-minute sitting/walking meditations
  • 12:00PM – 12:30PM: Q&A