Getting Ready for Open House
August 27, 2017
Special Guests Ven. Guo Guang & Ven. Chang Wu
September 7, 2017The open house social on Sunday was a great success. In total over 150 people from the Tallahassee area community enjoyed the event. Wonderful to see such a diverse group enjoying our center and learning more about meditation and practice.
Thank you to all who came out to enjoy the event. Special thanks to all of our volunteers who provided food, cleaned, greeted guests and directed parking for our event. Without you this would not have been possible.
- Derek and Jeannette
- Brad, Dan’s Father, Dan, Dewaine and Guo Gu
- Friends
- Derek, Aaron, Maria and Gita getting ready for guests
- Jim
- Kaity and Aaron having fun
- Jim, Derek and Janette at the food table
- Race and Arvind at the tea table
- Jeri our nextdoor neighbor and her sister
- Guo Gu speaks with guests
- Tina’s Mother and Guo Gu
- Ralph and Fred
- Jim speaking with Rev. Candace
- Sally’s husband, Meta and Sally
- Janette keeping the food table full
- Rev Candace McKibben and her church members
- Guo Gu addresses the audience
- Showing thanks for our volunteers
- Dan receives thanks
- Dan’s father enjoying kudos
- Attendees enjoying the talk
- Guo Gu talks about Meditation
- Guo Gu, Fran and Dan’s father
- Beautiful DDM logo cake by Sally
- Chiho, Zoe and Hannah