Memorial Service for Tom McKnight

On Thursday January 19th, the Tallahassee Chan Center held a memorial service in honor of Tom McKnight (September 15, 1957 to January 8, 2018) with Guo Gu presiding. Family and friends shared their thoughts and memories of Tom. The group recited the Heart Sutra and meditated on loving kindness for Tom to assist his letting go of attachments in order to continue on his bodhisattva path. There was a reception after the service. The center also presented Irene, Tom’s 10 year-old daughter, with a dharma book for children and a locket gift to remember her father.

5-Day First Intensive Retreat at New Center
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5-Day First Intensive Retreat at New Center
January 1, 2018
Beginner’s Mind Weekend Retreat
February 5, 2018