7-Day Online Chan Retreat
July 20, 2020
Volunteering at the Chan Center (COVID-era!)
April 15, 2021Black People More Likely to Get and Die from COVID-19
Black Americans are disproportionately burdened with COVID-19 diagnosis, hospitalizations and death as compared to non-Black American populations. While the data for vaccination rates are preliminary and incomplete, they suggest that Black populations are receiving the COVID-19 vaccines less than non-Black populations.
Mobile Vaccination Van Addresses Hard-to-Reach Black Populations
Reverend R.B. Holmes from Bethel Missionary Baptist Church, chair of the Florida COVID-19 Community Education and Engagement Task Force, is fundraising $250,000 to buy a Mobile Vaccination Van to deliver COVID-19 vaccines to predominantly Black communities with limited access to the vaccine.
The Tallahassee Chan Center Supports this Initiative
The Tallahassee Chan Center started a fundraising campaign on February 25, 2021 with the goal of raising $10,000 for the effort of the Mobile Vaccination Van, and finalized the campaign on March 31, 2021 with the help of 55 generous donors. On April 13, 2021, the Tallahassee Chan Center presented a $10,000 check to Reverend R.B. Holmes to support the effort of purchasing the medical mobile van. Bethel continues to solicit support independently until May 09, 2021.