Monday, August 30, 2021
7:30pm EST
We are pleased to have the Abbot of the Houston Zen Center, Setsuan Konjin Gaelyn Godwin, provide online guidance on Monday, August 30, 2021 at 7:30pm EST through a guided meditation and Dharma talk for the Tallahassee Chan Center community.
The Abbot of Houston Zen Center, Setsuan Konjin Gaelyn Godwin, is connected nationally and internationally with Buddhist teachers and organizations, and, in addition to her own travels to lead Zen retreats, she brings nationally recognized teachers to Houston for Dharma teaching. She serves as the Director of the International Center of Soto Zen, North America (a department of Soto Zen Headquarters based in Japan). Gaelyn received ordination as a Zen Priest in 1991, from Tenshin Reb Anderson, Senior Dharma Teacher at San Francisco Zen Center. She received Dharma Transmission, also from Tenshin Reb Anderson, in 2003, and was appointed Kaikyoshi (formal recognition from Japan) in 2005. Her Zen lineage is Soto Zen, through Dōgen Zenji, and through Suzuki Shunryu Daiosho, founder of San Francisco Zen Center.
To join the event, please visit this Zoom link: (password: chan).