Tuesday, November 30, 2021
6:00pm-7:00pm ET

Hansel Tookes REC Center, 2101 Wahnish Way, Tallahassee, FL⁠ 

This 1 hour workshop is designed to help people to personally experience relaxation, presence, and awareness amidst daily life, achieving peace and control – regardless of the source of stress. Drawing upon Zen practice and neuroscience, methods and techniques include methods of mindfulness and a complete guide to relaxation.


This course was designed by Jimmy Yu, Ph.D. and has been taught since 2012. Dr. Yu teaches academically as an Associate Professor at Florida State University.  He is also the founder and teacher for the Tallahassee Chan Center (www.tallahasseechan.com) and has been a clergy member for the Tallahassee Memorial Hospital since 2019. Dr. Yu designed the course based on his 30 years of practice teaching Zen meditation and academic background in Buddhism.