1. To worship and respect all buddhas.
2. To praise the Tathāgatas.
3. To cultivate the giving of offerings.
4. To repent all karmic obstructions.
5. To rejoice in the merits of others.
6. To request the turning of the Dharma wheel.
7. To request that the buddhas dwell in the world.
8. To always follow the buddhas in study.
9. To always harmonize with sentient beings.
10. To transfer all merits to all others.
All buddhas of the past, present, and future in all quarters.
All bodhisattva mahāsattvas.
Join us in person or online—all are welcome!
Click here for the Monday night Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/893204244?pwd=MTdxbHB6MVBrVWt3K2NRVjFoK1NSdz09