The Bodhisattva Precepts ceremony is a rare opportunity for individuals to receive the precepts and commit to their practice. As a Bodhisattva, one takes responsibility for their actions and engages in practices that enhance their own life and the lives of others. The ceremony will take place from October 14-17, 2023, at the Dharma Drum Retreat Center in upstate New York, and will be conducted by high-ranking monastics from Dharma Drum Mountain Taiwan.

The Tallahassee Chan Center (TCC) is providing resources to assist its sangha, including a free, three-part class led by Guo Gu covering important topics such as understanding the Bodhisattva Precepts and appropriate conduct during the formal ceremony. Financial assistance and a vanpool to the retreat center are also available. Please see below for further details.

Update 09/03/2023: The applications for the Bodhisattva Precepts ceremony is now closed.

TCC provides a limited number of financial scholarships in attending the Bodhisattva precepts. We also will offer a freely sponsored vanpool from Tallahassee and a discount on the Haiqing (black robe.) Complete the survey below, regardless of whether or not you need a scholarship or plan to join the vanpool. This will help us keep track of TCC attendees to the ceremony. *The survey is now closed*

Please note that in addition to filling out the survey, you will need to register formally for the ceremony. The ceremony will take place from October 14-17, 2023, at the Dharma Drum Retreat Center in Pine Bush, New York. *The ceremony application is now closed*

Guo Gu will be leading a three-part class on the Bodhisattva Precepts in preparation for the upcoming ceremony. The class is freely offered both in-person at the Tallahassee Chan Center and streamed live with an opportunity for Q&A at each session. These classes will be recorded.

Register for the Class

Date Time Topic
Friday, July 28, 2023 6:30pm – 8pm Introduction to Series and Resources Offered
Friday, Sept 01, 2023 6:30pm – 8pm What are the Bodhisattva Precepts?
Friday, Oct 06, 2023 6:30pm – 8pm Robe-Wearing and Ceremony Etiquette
October class canceled, video recording will be provided.

Sheng Yen. The Bodhisattva Precepts: Direction to Buddhahood. Dharma Drum Publications, 2001. A short introduction to the Bodhisattva Precepts by Master Sheng Yen. Link to PDF