Led by Jan Chozen Bays, Roshi
Everyone has an Inner Critic. Sometimes we experience it as an inner voice of clear criticism and judgement, directed inside or at others. Sometimes it is experienced energetically or wordlessly. When out of balance the Inner Critic has the potential to destroy relationships, turn our mind towards anxiety and depression, sap our physical energy and undermine our spiritual practice, creativity and careers.
Yet the Inner Critic is not the enemy. It contains the wisdom of discernment. Rather than try to destroy or silence this powerful voice, our work is to become strong and clear enough to stand up to it, hear its truth, yet widen our view.
During this workshop, we will dip in and out of the silent support of a quiet setting at the Tallahassee Chan Center. We will take up tools through both Buddhist inquiry practices and Voice Dialogue practice to clarify and transform our relationship to the Inner Critic. This workshop will also include group discussions and interactive exercises. You may want to bring a journal.
Jan Chozen Bays, Roshi has studied and practiced Zen Buddhism since 1973. She received Jukai (lay precepts) in 1975 and Tokudo, Priest’s Ordination, in 1979 from Taizan Maezumi, Roshi. From 1978 to 1983 she lived at Zen Center of Los Angeles, studying with Maezumi, Roshi and directing the Zen Center’s non-profit Medical Clinic. She finished formal koan study in 1983 and she was given Dharma transmission (authorization to teach) that same year. Following the death of Maezumi, Roshi in 1995 she has continued her training with Shodo Harada, Roshi, a Rinzai Zen teacher and the abbot of Sogen-ji monastery in Japan.
Workshop Costs
Please note that our center is open to all and donation-based. You can donate as low as $3 if you wish. Please click the ‘Apply for Workshop’ tab for more information.
- Online: $95
- In-Person:
- Reduced Price: $113
- Full Price: $150
- Sustainer Price: $188
- Registration Only: $3
🎉🐍 After the workshop, join us for a Chinese New Year Celebration 🐍🎉
After the workshop, you are invited to our annual Chinese New Year celebration on Sunday, February 2nd from 1-3pm. Register here! 🏮🧧🐉